This has been the cumulative effort of many people, and years of planning, discussing, and work. With our Kickstarter launch, we hit our goal in 3 days, and we raised 200% in our first week. We had hoped that the community would see the value in what we have done and what we are hoping to do, and our hopes were proved, overwhelmingly. We know that generally Kickstarter campaigns hit a plateau after the beginning excitement, and we are both prepared for that, and hoping to be the exception to that 😉
“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity.”
John Muir
With the publication of our Washington Post story last Sunday, we are very excited to welcome more backers who may have read about us in the Post! We’d like to remind everyone that this campaign is only running for the next three weeks, and the prices we are offering will not be that low every again!
Grab the opportunity to back us today, and be a part of helping us remind everyone that going to the mountains is going home… and that Deaf people are pretty awesome.